Loan Origination

The first stage of Lending/Financial services is known as the Loan Origination process and this is the most critical stage in complete Loan servicing in 7 different stages components:


Loan Application

Application Processing

Underwriting Process

Credit Decision

Quality Check

Loan Funding

Send Enquiry

    Loan Setup

Data Entry and Credit report order
Title, Flood Cert, Appraisal other Vendor Document order

    Title, Flood Cert, Appraisal other Vendor Document Order

Prequalification response from approved Decision engines AU/DU/LP
VVOE Property Tax and Insurance Verification
Liens, Judgments and Open encumbrances
Review Income, Payoff, Appraisal Document

    Loan Underwriting

Review Collateral, Credit Documents, Income, Asset Documents as per Client Guidelines
Perform Manual Underwriting
Underwriting QA

    Pre-Closing & Post-Closing

Prepare Final Settlement Statement (HUD)
Prepare Closing Package, order Missing /Outdated Documents
Catalogues the Final Loan Package into the loan file and close the Loan
HMDA Reporting