Appraisal Services

Stellar Innovations is offering services to Appraisal Management, Real Estate & Private Investor companies.

Our Services

Administrative Appraisal Review / Desktop Review

BPO Review

Property Condition Reports

Technology Enabled Automated Valuation Reports (AVR’s) preparation with white labelling

Vendor Management

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Capabilities & Expertise
    Appraisal Form Types - Currently We Support

Single Family Residential Appraisal (1004)
FHA Single Family Residential Appraisal (1004)
Desk Reviews (1033)
Exterior Appraisal Report (2055)
Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report (1004D)
Condominium Appraisal (1073)
One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report (2000)
Two-to-Four Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review Report (2000A)
Desktop Underwriter Property Inspection Report (2075)
Exterior-Only Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report (1075)
Single-Family Residential Appraisal, Non-Owner Occupied (1004 w/216 and 1007)
Manufactured Homes (1004C)
Two-to-Four Unit Residential Appraisal (1025)
Rental Survey (1007)
Operating Income Statement (216)

    Training & Performance Tracking

At Stellar, our reviewers go through two months detailed and rigorous offline training, sample appraisal review and certification program before hitting live production.
In a live production environment, our independent quality control / review department runs internal audits through sampling approach on files completed by our reviewers to track performance thus ensuring our clients receive highest quality product.

    QC Review Services

Our qualified reviewers ensure that all USPAP, FHA/HUD, FNMA requirements are met, and we also investigate the technicalities, adjustments calculations, comparable selections and the lender requirements.
In addition to the initial review, the review department also handles all disputes and issues with appraisals. They have been trained and understand that a lender’s dispute or issue with an appraisal must be resolved quickly and efficiently.

    Turn Time

At Stellar, we adhere to client expected SLA’s and build our team to meet these expectations. On an average we been offering a less than 4 hrs turn time on QC services.

    Vendor Management Services – End to End Management

Sourcing Placement Follow-up Receipt 1st QC Review Addendum Review Delivery
Our well-trained vendor management team connects with appraisers to make sure order is tracked and followed up religiously to ensure high quality and timely delivered appraisal file.
Our co-ordinators go through extensive training that helps them understand the importance of selecting the correct appraisers for the job and closely work with Client, QC Review department, and Recruiting staff.

Vendor Management